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Datsyshyn O. P. Durability and failure of solids during their cyclic contact interaction | 5 |
Kulchytsky-Zhyhailo R. Contact stresses in rotating bodies with account of heat production and convective heat transfer | 26 |
Huryn S. V., Pohreliuk I. M., and Fedirko V. M. Preconditions of carboxide phase formation during titanium treatment from carbon-oxygen containing environment | 33 |
Prokopovych I. B. Constitutive equation of electric or magnetic deformation in an isotropic material | 37 |
Liubin O. H. Life assessment of a tribosystem “shaft-bushing” | 42 |
Bulyk I. I. and Basaraba Yu. B. Influence of hydrogen treatment on discharge properties of ZrCrNi electrodes | 49 |
Zavaliy I. Yu., Yurchyk M., Vovk O. M., Saldan I. V., and Kovalchuk I. V. The influence of high-energy milling on hydrogen desorption and structure of mixtures of Zr-containing materials | 55 |
TEST AND INVESTIGATION METHODS Panasyuk V. V., Sylovaniuk V. P., and Marukha V. I. Strength of crack damaged structural elements, healed by injection methods | 60 |
Gnyp I. P., Neprila M. V., and Voloshyn M. P. Methodical aspects of determining the electric insulation coatings elasticity | 65 |
Dzioba I. R., Student O. Z., and Markov A. D. Application of SINTAP approach to evaluation of surviceability of TPP steam welded joints | 70 |
SCIENCE OF PRODUCTION Sidhu S. T., Prakash S., and Agrawal R. D. Studies on the properties of high velocity oxy fuel thermal spray coatings for higher temperature applications (A review) | 80 |
Shyrokov V. V., Arendar L. A., Vasyliv Kh. B., Vasyliv O. M., and Biliuk A. I. Mechanism of antifriction effect of phosphide eutectics in cast irons | 96 |
Krutsan H., Radkevych O. I., Melekhov R. K., and Yurkevych R. M. Assessment of resistance to stress corrosion cracking in hydrogen sulphide media of corrosion resistant steels | 103 |
SHORT REPORTS Balytskyi O. O. Failure of laminated gallium and indium khalcogenides | 108 |
IN SCIENTIFIC CIRCLES Balytskyi O. I. and Zinkovskyi A. P. A joint session of Scientific Councils on “Physicochemical mechanics of materials” and “Mechanics of deformable solids” | 111 |
Luchko Yo. Yo. and Sulym H. T. The Sixth International Symposium “Mechanics and physics of fracture of building materials and structures” | 115 |
Stashchuk M. H. Problems of brittle fracture mechanics | 117 |
Vasyliv Kh. B. Theoretical and applied tribology | 119 |
Okhota H. H. Theory of corrosion and corrosion protection | 121 |
OUR LOSSES Оleh Romaniv (an obituary notice) | 123 |
List of papers published in “Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials” in 2005 | 125 |
Authors’ index | 131 |